static int | SHFileOperation_x86 (ref SHFILEOPSTRUCT_x86 FileOp) |
static int | SHFileOperation_x64 (ref SHFILEOPSTRUCT_x64 FileOp) |
void | SetSkin () |
| Set the skin for the FrmManageNotes form. More...
void | SetFormTitle () |
| Set the title of this form. More...
void | SetFormTooltips () |
| Set all form tooltips if tooltips are enabled. More...
void | btnBackAllNotes_Click (object sender, EventArgs e) |
| Request to backup all notes to a file. Ask where to save then do it. More...
void | btnClose_Click (object sender, EventArgs e) |
| Close form More...
void | btnNoteDelete_Click (object sender, EventArgs e) |
| The user pressed the delete button for a note. More...
string | GetShortTitle (string title) |
| Get a shorted title if title is too long. More...
void | btnRestoreAllNotes_Click (object sender, EventArgs e) |
| Request to restore all notes from a backup file. More...
void | btnShowSelectedNotes_Click (object sender, EventArgs e) |
| Toggle visibility selected notes. More...
void | dataGridViewNotes_CellClick (object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) |
| Cell clicked in dataGridViewNotes, set hide/show note button text. More...
void | ToggleVisibilityNote (int row) |
| Toggle the visibility of a note. More...
void | dataGridViewNotes_ColumnHeaderMouseClick (object sender, DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs e) |
| A column is sorted, make sure backgroundcolor skin colum get painted again. More...
void | dataGridViewNotes_RowPostPaint (object sender, DataGridViewRowPostPaintEventArgs e) |
| Color the skin cell with the foreground color of the skin in this cell. More...
void | dataGridViewNotes_Scroll (object sender, ScrollEventArgs e) |
| Scrolling the datagridview. More...
void | DeleteNotesSelectedRowsGrid (DataGridViewSelectedRowCollection selrows) |
| Deletes the notes in memory and the files that are selected in a Gridview. In reverse order, so updating datagridview goes well. More...
void | DrawNotesGrid () |
| Draw a list of all notes. Sets FrmManageNotesNeedUpdate to true. More...
DataTable | CreateDatatable () |
| Create a new datatable object with translated columns for notes overview. More...
DataTable | AddDatatableNoteRow (DataTable datatable, int notepos) |
| Add a row with note information to a databasetable More...
void | frmManageNotes_Activated (object sender, EventArgs e) |
| FrmManageNotes is activated. More...
void | frmManageNotes_Deactivate (object sender, EventArgs e) |
| Form not active, make tranparent if set. More...
int | GetNoteposBySelrow (int rowindex) |
| Get the note position in the list by looking up the nr colom with at the partialer row. More...
void | pbResizeGrip_MouseMove (object sender, MouseEventArgs e) |
| The manage note form is beening resized. More...
void | pbResizeGrip_MouseUp (object sender, MouseEventArgs e) |
| Resize ended, set column width More...
void | pnlHead_MouseDown (object sender, MouseEventArgs e) |
| Moving frmManageNotes More...
void | pnlHead_MouseMove (object sender, MouseEventArgs e) |
| Move FrmManageNotes if pnlHead is being left clicked. More...
void | pnlHead_MouseUp (object sender, MouseEventArgs e) |
| End moving FrmManageNotes. More...
void | SetDataGridViewColumsWidth () |
| Sets every colom of the datagridview to a reasonable width. More...
void | dataGridViewNotes_CellDoubleClick (object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) |
| Double click a row in dataGridView toggle the visibility of a note. More...
void | dataGridViewNotes_CellMouseEnter (object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) |
| Display a tooltip with the note content for the hovered note in that row. More...
void | searchTextBoxNotes_SearchStart (string keywords) |
| Start searching on a keyword. More...
void | searchTextBoxNotes_SearchStop () |
| Searching in notes stopped, show all notes again. More...
void | InitializeComponent () |
| Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor. More...